Post-Extraction Instructions

Following are important rules of thumb when caring for yourself after a tooth extraction. Use an icepack intermittently for 3–6 hours after extraction and limit physical activities for a few days to keep swelling and pain at a minimum.

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Bite on gauze for 1 hour after extraction. If there is still bleeding or oozing after 1 hour, place a new gauze for 30 more minutes. Repeat this procedure several times as needed until bleeding has subsided.

Place an icepack on the cheek or mouth as close to the extraction site as possible. Rotate on and off every 30 minutes for the first 3 hours if possible to decrease swelling.

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DO NOT drink from a straw, smoke or drink alcohol for 3 days after extraction to reduce the risk of a painful condition called dry sockets resulting from the loss of blood clots on the extraction sites.

Reduce vigorous exercise for 2-3 days after extraction to reduce the possibility of bleeding, swelling and pain.

Avoid the extraction site when brushing teeth.

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Swelling and pain should subside after several days. If any problems persist, call our office at (256) 233-2910.